Artists B Hannah Becher I Repeat Myself When Under Stress Tinka Bechert Of painting and other adventures 2003-2013 Lis Blunier Where the sky touches the earth Lutz Brandt CITYLANDRIVER. In prospect of pictures. Silvia Klara Breitwieser DAS ANDERE BUCH DER DINGE. RES PUBLICA (II) Andreas Burger 2010 – 2017 C Martin Conrad Weiße Fenster im Raum Nahrung geben D Cècile Dupaquier weiß obskur (white obscure) F Jeanne Fredac Abstractionistinnen Terunobu Fujimori RAIDING project. Monika Funke Stern Das Loch im Mantel der Erscheinungen (The Hole in a Coat of Apparitions). G Mariel Gottwick Die Zukunft ist Gratis (Future is Free). Peter Goettler Aus dem Gepäck H Roland Hagenberg Crosby Street Poems RAIDING project. RIO. Love and Life in Times of Executions. Hoffer Hao Why We Always Think We are Right Hiroshi Hara RAIDING project. K Janus Kadel Painter and Object Artist Susanne Kessler About Roots and Borders. Racines et Frontières Manfred Kirschner Verrückt werden in Ostdeutschland – Rügen mon Amour Johann Manfred Kleber Imperative Skriptural SCRIPT PICTURES. Skriptural Art Beate Köhne Abstractionistinnen Simone Kornfeld Abstractionistinnen Maren Krusche Before Our Eyes L Ina Lindemann Abstractionistinnen Peter Lindenberg Painting 1990-2022 Lingua Franca Lingua franca Alf Löhr The Tempest Bettina Lüdicke SPACE | STRUCTURE | POETRY M Frank Maibier schnittfall (cut case) Karl A. Meyer RIO. Love and Life in Times of Executions. RAIDING project. Crosby Street N Uschi Niehaus Niehaus IndenBirken P Susanne Piotter Selected artworks 2016–2022 Q Wan Quiong Abstractionistinnen S Gisela Schattenburg hideout Nicolaus Schmidt KOSMOS GAYHANE Jo Schoepfer Feststoffe Constantin Schroeder Painting Nanaé Suzuki Pairs and Their Shadows W Witte Wartena Attending Poul R. Weile Art Nicole Wendel Présence Renate Wiedemann Présence