Jo Schoepfer



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Ed.: Gallery Nanna Preußners
Dimensions: 22 x 28 cm
German / English
Hardcover, Cover: Bamberger Kaliko Duo Scotch
128 pages
January 2022
ISBN: 978-3-938457-61-0

Jo Schoepfer’s works are on the border between sculpture and architecture. His bronze pieces resemble the steel skeletons of modern buildings that structure and constitute a space. Through perspective quality and unusual surfaces, these structures have something emotional and organic about them. The bodies and compositions up to an open form are committed to the formal language of Minimal Art. The concept of sculpture, which is defined by mass and volume, is broken up.

The artist creates filigree structures that take shape as the in-between, as form-giving empty spaces. They trigger questions about the reality and meaning of space and material, artwork and architecture, – they cause us to take a position, this concretely with regard to our immediate physical position towards sculpture, – then with regard to the reflection on the relationship between art and nature, individuality and community.

While Jo Schoepfer builds his models from malleable materials like corrugated cardboard, wood or wax, which burn completely when the bronze is cast, these forms are transposed into rigid bodies – solid materials. The surface structures of the original material remain visible thereby. Parallel to the plastic works, Schoepfer creates drawings in pencil, ink, and watercolor. For more information, please visit Jo Schoepfer.

The catalog is published on the occasion of the exhibition Jo Schoepfer – Feststoffe from October 22 to November 10, 2021 in the Gallery Nanna Preussners, Hamburg.

Authorship: Dr. Dorothée Bauerle-Willert, Nanna Preußners, Michael Semff, Jo Schoepfer