Bureau for Art
Artists and their works require individual concepts and solutions. Along with publications and texts on art, at issue here are also your catalog of works or your collection and optimally organizing a legacy or a living artist’s production.
We advise and support you in professional aspects like art-historical and archival expertise and management issues. We recommend specialized law firms for tax questions and the legal structuring of a legacy and experts and restorers for conservatory evaluations of works of art.
Our work inventorying an artist’s complete works or a collection:
- Digital-photographic inventorying of each work with registration of the basic data (technique, dimensions, etc.)
- Incorporation and integration of existing databanks
- Creation and active maintenance of a catalog of works
- Establishment of a dedicated homepage as a first source of information on the artist
- Contextualization and presentation to create awareness of the art (publications, exhibitions, etc.)
The shared projects are based on inter-disciplinary approaches, on trust and professionalism, on skill-sharing and technological innovation in order to create dynamic and satisfying results.